Canary in the Coal Mine

Jews are using the phrase “we are the canary in the coal mine” as a warning that anti-Semitism signals growing hatred of all groups in our nation. This idea is profoundly flawed, ironically counterproductive, and requires immediate redress.

The phrase is a desperate appeal to others that they must fight anti-Semitism as it inevitably will lead to hatred against them—that tactic won’t work. People will stand against anti-Semitism because it is wrong. And if they can rationalize anti-Semitism, they won’t care about Jews, canaries, or anyone else. Besides, there is another group that already experiences an institutional brand of hatred: black people and others of color.

People of color have been experiencing hatred and systemic racism for as long as any of us have come to these shores. When we think of Jews as the ones on the front line, we negate the experience of the black community. That is egotistical and shameful and ironically belies the idea embodied in the Canary Phrase. We should be aware of this hatred and align with those others who experience it.

I am not a canary, and I am not in a coal mine. Despite the alarming sharp increase in public displays of anti-Semitism, we live well, thoroughly enjoying so many blessings of this place. We have the power and the means to defend ourselves. And we are. Others do not, and we must help them.

Let us stand against hatred in all its forms besides every one of goodwill.   We denounce hatred of any group and work together to fight it on the streets, in the courts, and our hearts. So our country may live up to its aspirations.

We are not birds; we are American Jews standing tall for the values we believe in, and together, we will prevail.



Anti-Semitism is here. It is ugly and real.  It never went away, even though we almost believed it did.  This is not a time to cower; it is a time to act decisively and urgently.

Our strength lies in our unity and our shared values. We are not alone in this fight but bound together by a tradition of wisdom and insight rooted in humanity’s best values. With these as our guide, we will overcome.

Let’s shift from sorrow to action. In these challenging times, let our Judaism be our strength. Seek the light and community that fortify us.  Stand firm in our beliefs; together, we will construct a world founded on love and kindness. Let’s stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our fellow Jews, extend our blessings to those in need, and illuminate the world. Let’s also reach out to other allies, all people of goodwill, and unite for a common cause. Evil will not triumph.  Together, we will flood the world with light, pushing back the darkness to where it belongs.


Being Canceled

In response to the Bryn Mawr Film Institute’s decision to cancel the showing of the film The Child Within Me, I make the following statement:

To the Board of the Bryn Mawr Film Institute

You squandered an essential moment of leadership.

Until this decision, you were a cultural icon and an important voice in our community. But instead of devotion to keeping culture accessible through film, its thoughtful curation, and presentation, you cowed in the face of political pressure. You canceled a film thoroughly unrelated to the war.  The only controversy about this film is your decision to condemn it because the Israeli Film Festival sponsors it.  Shame on you.

People protesting against the showing of a film is an act of free speech.  It does not automatically devolve into violence, and using that as a pretense for canceling is a sign of it is either fecklessness or outright bias against Jews (also known as Antisemitism) and Israel.

Protesters are loud and obnoxious, but they are not violent. Those who attend the festival would find them uncomfortable, but they are not a physical threat. Further, the police of Lower Merion would have done an excellent job of keeping the peace even in this potentially testy situation.

BMFI was an important institution, one I enjoyed participating in and supporting. However, I am deeply disappointed that you have focused on other aspects, neglecting the crucial role of bringing influential films into our community. This decision has undermined the basis for our relationship.  I resign from my membership and call on everyone in our community to do the same.


Rabbi David Levin

Shabbat Shalom

In our welcome of Shabbat, we share Ana BeKoach, a prayer asking we be released from the spiritual, emotional, and physical things that bind us.  It invokes the power of God’s name through Jewish mysticism.  In this troubling time, may we be freed.

Shir Appeal shares its acapella rendition with us here.

Shabbat Shalom

Where do we go from here?

The situation is fluid, and things are different from what we thought.  We have come to an inflection point, and what happens next depends entirely on how boldly we are willing to consider acting.

It is relatively easy to kill people but almost impossible to kill an idea.  Hamas has shown it knows no limit to the extent it will go to achieve the dual goals of killing Jews and eliminating Israel.

Israel thought it could manage the situation, lulling Hamas through what are essentially bribes and occasionally “mowing the lawn,” that obscene notion that periodically Israel engages in a military action to repress the militants.  This is similar to blowing on the boiling pot of pasta to keep it from boiling over.

The pot boiled over, and the ensuing pogrom was devastating.

Furthermore, Hamas retains substantial control.  The delay in releasing hostages on Day 2 of the truce showed their continued capacity to manage the situation psychologically.  Equally distressing was the celebration in the West Bank because the jubilant welcome home to the released prisoners was met with Hamas flags instead of only Palestinian flags.  A weak Palestinian Authority is losing control, and Hamas is ascendant.

And an uncontrolled group of Jewish right-wing extremists is engaging in violence against Palestinians that could only be understood as ethnic cleansing of the territory.

The situation is dire and requires bold action.

Strangely, a scene from The Godfather movie keeps running in my mind.  As Don Corleone grieves his murdered son, he looks up and, from the depth of his pain, declares the killing has to stop.  Peace is required even though vengeance courses through the blood. For us, this is that moment.

The killing must stop.  Recognition by each side is required, and we must forge a way forward. Is Israel able to do this, and if so, who is courageous enough to make that declaration and commitment?

We’ve learned that ignoring the other side and building walls is not a solution.  Walls cannot be high enough or thick enough to provide security.  We also cannot do it alone.

Many are vested in maintaining the status quo of hostility, hatred, and turmoil. But others have a clear interest in seeing peace in the region.  These nations need to join in the effort to work with Palestinians and Israelis to build trust and an infrastructure of hope. Together, we can realize a vision of dignity and security for both people who claim a right to the region. And those who envision a future for their children to live in a world without violence must be convinced we are all committed to their future.  Building trust out of the rubble of destruction and pain that now exists will take time.   But now is the time to start.

The killing must end, and now is the time to start on a path forward.



Shabbat Shalom-A Shabbat of Ambivalence

A Shabbat of Ambivalence

As we enter Shabbat, some hostages have been returned.  Their ordeal is far from over, but they are home.  Now we hope these souls begin the process of healing.

Traditionally we offer the Birkhat HaGomel, but their struggle is far from over.  The emotional toll will continue long after physical pain has subsided.  They have been brought through a perilous journey, but the journey to wholeness and peace has just begun.

The sentiment of the Birkat Gomel is a prayer of gratitude, but it is also wishful thinking.  May those who have struggled find refuah shleimah.

We also turn our thoughts to those who remain captive, pawns to be played in a horrible chess game in which victims are often sacrificed by others.  May they be safe and treated with basic humanity.  We pray for their safe return as well.

Shabbat Shalom

War is Hell

The death and destruction of war are terrible, and it has never spared civilians.  It cannot.  The objective is to defeat the enemy, and that is done by breaking things and killing people.

The victims are innocent civilians, and the people in the hospital in Gaza are among them.  Everyone bears responsibility regardless of who fired the missile that caused the bloodbath.  This kind of tragedy will continue to happen as long as the war lasts.

As terrible as war is, moral wars need to be fought when you face an existential threat.  Hamas has proven that it is an existential threat to Israel and, therefore, must be eradicated.

For anyone needing proof of their barbarity beyond the vicious brutality unleashed on Israeli civilians, look no further than the keeping of the hostages.  These hostages include the 200 kidnapped from Israel but also the civilian population of Gaza trying to flee the carnage.  They have not permitted humanitarian aid into Gaza, and what little has gotten in has been stolen.

Hamas must be eliminated.  There is no choice.

It is time for all nations to find a way towards peace in the region.  Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi must join the United States and others to create a new Marshall Plan to rebuild in the aftermath of war, providing physical and governmental infrastructure to finally give the Palestinians the opportunity to live in peace and security alongside a safe and secure Israel.  Whoever cares for the region’s people must come to the table and start the work.

Every decent person is appalled by the loss of human life.

We pray for peace.