A light of Hope has Gone Out

credit: LBJ Library

We should pause and reflect on Jimmy Carter and the gift that was his life.

President Jimmy Carter engineered the peace between Israel and Egypt, and we are indebted to him, if only for that.

He was an exemplar of morality, committed to peace and human rights, and striving to improve the world.

During the High Holidays, we reflect on the balance between Din and Rachamim, the strictness of law and compassion. Many have thought Carter was too compassionate and not strong enough. Nowadays, the world seems to be seeking “strongmen” as leaders. We lose something when our leaders cannot access humanity and compassion.

As President and throughout his life, Carter was a remarkable human being,  a consequential force for positive change in our world.

May his name be for a blessing.

Don’t Squander the Gifts

The New Year is upon us.  I pause and look back to look ahead.

I’ve realized that sometimes I squander my gifts. I am blessed with a lot for which I should be, and I am thankful. I live a blessed life with a loving partner, family, friends, inspiring and rewarding work, and Rashi, the Portuguese Wonder (water) Dog.

But when things are good, we tend to take them for granted. When we don’t appreciate them thoroughly, we risk losing them. We all must continue nurturing them so they do not slip away from neglect.

It is too easy to forget that. We can all be neglectful, expecting the good things always to be there.

So, let’s not squander our gifts. Take a moment to reflect on what is truly meaningful in your life. Commit to celebrating and nurturing our core values and relationships. And make sure to let those special people in your lives know it.  Please do not take any of it for granted.

I enter the year hoping to focus on the truly important things, the people, and the values I hold dear.  I hope you do that, too, as we enter 2025.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!





Chag Urim Sameach! Happy Chanukah

How do you light the Chanukah Menorah?

As you can imagine, this was a discussion among the Rabbis.  The Talmud famously pits the House of Shammai against the House of Hillel, our preeminent first pair of rabbis.

Do you light one candle the first night and increase another candle every night until all are lit on the eighth day?

Or do you light all the candles on the First day and decrease the number until you reach one candle?

Most of us know Hillel won that argument, so we increase the light with every passing day.

Do you use Applesauce or Sour Cream when you eat latkes?  They never decided on this argument, so we do both! (actually, I am pretty sure they never engaged in this discussion- I am making it up)

Do you light one Menorah for the family, or does everyone get to light their own?


Did you know the Menorah we use for Chanukah is called a Chanukiah?  (it is an eight-light, plus Shamash, candelabra as distinguished from the seven-armed menorah used in the Temple).

Do you put the menorah in your front window for the community to view?

Why do I always seem to lack the right number of candles?

And when I buy candles on sale after Chanukah, I can’t remember where I put them for the next year.

Last but not least, is it Chanukah, Hannukah, or Channukah, Hanukah, Hanukkah, etc.?

We can get all caught up in both the fun and serious questions as we determine how we want to celebrate our holiday.  But remember it is about celebrating the holiday.

It is a time of celebration and rededication. We remember the story of Jewish victory, which instilled pride in our heritage and gave us strength and confidence as we face seemingly enormous challenges today. We spend time with our family, sharing the light’s glow, the pleasure of the food, and the fun of the games. May your Chanukah be wonderous!

Chag Urim Sameach, Happy Hanukah!

What Does God Look Like?

The manger scene of the Baby Jesus swaddled in a Keffiyeh has created much commotion and attention.  Even though the Vatican has removed the display, the consciousness-raising alone means that the image has had the intended effect.

We are talking front and center through religion about the plight of the Palestinian people.

This is not the first time someone has reinterpreted something for their own purpose.  I have seen many iterations of Jesus: white, very white, swarthy, black.  Many religions that have Jesus at the center of their theology have him displayed realistically on the cross, his body cradled in his mother’s arms, lovingly gazing down upon us in a portrait or looking upwards in an icon. As a babe in mother’s arms, as a man spreading the Word, at a bountiful supper, and as a martyr.  And now swaddled in a keffiyeh.  We use religious symbols to motivate the audience toward a vision or narrative.  This is frequently for good and exemplary purposes and too often for malicious purposes.

The charge that this current manger display is Antisemitic is a particular, not universally shared Jewish perspective.  Some deliberately embrace that evil message.   I am sure that was not the intent of the Pope or the Church.  And if the manger is allowed to be a message of hatred, it will have failed miserably in its mission.

Raising awareness of the plight of the Palestinians is important.  Christmas is an essential Christian symbol of God’s love and our hope.  Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards men is the universal message of the extraordinary celebration.

Can this awareness-raising symbol be channeled into constructive forces to promote the welfare of the Palestinian people, who have been victimized for too long? It is time for the people of goodwill to lay down their arms and reach out across the divide to each other.  May love supplant the hatred that has kept both sides at war for too long.  May the promise of Christmas resound in that troubled place of Jesus’ birth so that two people learn to live together in peace and security.

Merry Christmas!

Stop the Genocide-Sue for Peace!

Although there is not a Genocide happening in Gaza, there is devastating suffering and death.

It can be stopped immediately.  Declare peace.  Accept the existence of Israel and Return the hostages.  You can immediately focus on building a State of Palestine, and most of the world’s nations, including Israel, will support the enterprise.   Outside forces of hegemony and oppression (Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah) that have imposed themselves are back on their heels, allowing Palestinians an opportunity for self-determination that has not been seen since 2000 at Camp David.

This is a pragmatic solution.  Israel exists.  Whether you question Israel’s legitimacy will not make the nation go away.  Remaining belligerent only continues the harm to both Israelis and Palestinians.  Negotiations are fraught.  Negotiating requires leaving some things behind in exchange for other things we determine are more critical.  Peace and a Sovereign State would be two extraordinary wins for the Palestinians. Peace is the only way for our children to know something beyond hatred and death.

It is time.

Shabbat Shalom

Prayer is universal. It transcends language, culture, and creed, uniting us in our deepest hopes and aspirations. This rendition of The Prayer blends its original message with the Hebrew translation by Rabbi Moshe Pomerantz z”l (1935-2024).

This Shabbat I share the beauty of The Prayer from Park Avenue Synagogue and Cantor Azi Schwartz.

Wishing you Shabbat Shalom.

May the hostages come home!

The Core Idea of Thanksgiving- Be Thankful and Do Thankful

The wedding ritual of breaking the glass is central to the Jewish marriage ceremony. One meaning is to recall the destruction of Jerusalem.  It reminds us that even in times of joy, we are reminded of sadness and brokenness.

I am ambivalent about this. Is it appropriate to remember sadness all the time? The answer is probably no. There is enough sadness in our world without being reminded of its presence; time enough to cry and too little time to celebrate. We should lean into the joy without any equivocation or hesitation.

Many people felt compelled during Thanksgiving to remind us of the less fortunate. While this is important as a thought, it is more important to translate it into positive action.

We should find joy in our moment, celebrating its beauty.  And instead of lamenting another’s plight, we can do something positive. Even on the days after Thanksgiving, we can provide food for the hungry, bring clothing for the naked, and support shelters for the homeless. These are the positive experiences that will reinforce the true meaning of being thankful by sharing the blessings that we have with those who are less fortunate. So, this Thanksgiving and throughout the holiday season, embrace the joy. Wishing everyone a happy holiday.