One of the horrors of the current war is the holding of the hostages.  Their predicament is hopeless because their freedom depends on some level of trust, and there is no trust.

Israel and Hamas are avowed enemies.  Each is dedicated to the destruction of the other.  There is no middle ground, no reconciliation, no peace.  With this at each core, trust cannot exist.

Hamas has fully embraced the “civilian as a weapon” idea.  To give up the hostages means giving up one of its most potent weapons.  The hostages have been used as shields, and many believed as a bargaining chip.  But without trust, there is no incentive to use this bargaining chip, and once it is used, nothing is left. Hamas does not trust that Israel will live by an agreement; they believe Israel sees an agreement as only the means to obtaining the release of the hostages, nothing more.  Once the hostages are returned, Israel will continue to prosecute the war.

Israel has displayed its commitment to destroying Hamas.  As Hamas cannot be appeased, it must be eliminated.  Israel has a long memory and believes in retribution.  It does not trust Hamas.  Israel thought it could permit Hamas to exist as it did not pose an existential threat and accepted a tenuous ceasefire. Then, October 7 happened, and whatever trust existed was shattered.

A ceasefire is a lull until it ends, and the warring begins again. This is part of the cynical lack of trust, but it is one of the few things both sides can agree upon.

War is usually fought to capitulation.  One side is defeated unequivocally.  The victor then dictates the terms of surrender and peace over the vanquished.  This may not be possible. But until these two warring parties have more to gain by ceasing hostilities and learning to co-exist, the death and destruction will continue.

I pray that the current negotiations might prove me wrong and that the hostages will be returned. And perhaps peace might be seen as an alternative to hatred and carnage.




May you be protected

To all of my friends and family in Israel, I wish you safety.

We all understand the certainty of this uncertain situation. Iran’s response to the Haniyeh assassination could be on Tisha B’Av, or it could be tomorrow, but regardless of the date, it will be.

May you be protected by the IDF and all the defensive systems. May the United States stand shoulder to shoulder, and may many others seeking to limit the destruction also step into the breach.

This is a difficult time, and I wish I could do more than pray, but that is what I have to offer for now.

Chazak v’umatz

May the Divine spread Your canopy of Peace over us, over all the people Israel, and over Jerusalem

Baruch atah Adonai, ha-poreis sukkat shalom aleinu v’al kol amo Yisrael, v’al Yerushalayim




Where do we go from here?

The situation is fluid, and things are different from what we thought.  We have come to an inflection point, and what happens next depends entirely on how boldly we are willing to consider acting.

It is relatively easy to kill people but almost impossible to kill an idea.  Hamas has shown it knows no limit to the extent it will go to achieve the dual goals of killing Jews and eliminating Israel.

Israel thought it could manage the situation, lulling Hamas through what are essentially bribes and occasionally “mowing the lawn,” that obscene notion that periodically Israel engages in a military action to repress the militants.  This is similar to blowing on the boiling pot of pasta to keep it from boiling over.

The pot boiled over, and the ensuing pogrom was devastating.

Furthermore, Hamas retains substantial control.  The delay in releasing hostages on Day 2 of the truce showed their continued capacity to manage the situation psychologically.  Equally distressing was the celebration in the West Bank because the jubilant welcome home to the released prisoners was met with Hamas flags instead of only Palestinian flags.  A weak Palestinian Authority is losing control, and Hamas is ascendant.

And an uncontrolled group of Jewish right-wing extremists is engaging in violence against Palestinians that could only be understood as ethnic cleansing of the territory.

The situation is dire and requires bold action.

Strangely, a scene from The Godfather movie keeps running in my mind.  As Don Corleone grieves his murdered son, he looks up and, from the depth of his pain, declares the killing has to stop.  Peace is required even though vengeance courses through the blood. For us, this is that moment.

The killing must stop.  Recognition by each side is required, and we must forge a way forward. Is Israel able to do this, and if so, who is courageous enough to make that declaration and commitment?

We’ve learned that ignoring the other side and building walls is not a solution.  Walls cannot be high enough or thick enough to provide security.  We also cannot do it alone.

Many are vested in maintaining the status quo of hostility, hatred, and turmoil. But others have a clear interest in seeing peace in the region.  These nations need to join in the effort to work with Palestinians and Israelis to build trust and an infrastructure of hope. Together, we can realize a vision of dignity and security for both people who claim a right to the region. And those who envision a future for their children to live in a world without violence must be convinced we are all committed to their future.  Building trust out of the rubble of destruction and pain that now exists will take time.   But now is the time to start.

The killing must end, and now is the time to start on a path forward.