Shabbat Shalom

“Tamid Ohev Oti”- Always Loves Me is a very popular song, covered by groups here like  Six13 to major performers in Israel.  Yair Elitzur’s original version is here.

Its an uplifting song of hope, love, and faith. I’ve share the translation below, but enjoy the music as we welcome Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom

God always loves me
I’ll only be given blessings
And things will be better
Better and better. (5x)
And it will only get better.

A light of Hope has Gone Out

credit: LBJ Library

We should pause and reflect on Jimmy Carter and the gift that was his life.

President Jimmy Carter engineered the peace between Israel and Egypt, and we are indebted to him, if only for that.

He was an exemplar of morality, committed to peace and human rights, and striving to improve the world.

During the High Holidays, we reflect on the balance between Din and Rachamim, the strictness of law and compassion. Many have thought Carter was too compassionate and not strong enough. Nowadays, the world seems to be seeking “strongmen” as leaders. We lose something when our leaders cannot access humanity and compassion.

As President and throughout his life, Carter was a remarkable human being,  a consequential force for positive change in our world.

May his name be for a blessing.

Don’t Squander the Gifts

The New Year is upon us.  I pause and look back to look ahead.

I’ve realized that sometimes I squander my gifts. I am blessed with a lot for which I should be, and I am thankful. I live a blessed life with a loving partner, family, friends, inspiring and rewarding work, and Rashi, the Portuguese Wonder (water) Dog.

But when things are good, we tend to take them for granted. When we don’t appreciate them thoroughly, we risk losing them. We all must continue nurturing them so they do not slip away from neglect.

It is too easy to forget that. We can all be neglectful, expecting the good things always to be there.

So, let’s not squander our gifts. Take a moment to reflect on what is truly meaningful in your life. Commit to celebrating and nurturing our core values and relationships. And make sure to let those special people in your lives know it.  Please do not take any of it for granted.

I enter the year hoping to focus on the truly important things, the people, and the values I hold dear.  I hope you do that, too, as we enter 2025.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!





Shabbat Shalom

Greeting Shabbat as the evening comes, we sing a series of Psalms as part of Kabbalat Shabbat.  Mikolot Mayim Rabim is a verse from Psalm written by the extraordinary Hazzan Jessi Roemer and performed by the also extraordinary Hazzan Harold Messinger.

Be swept up in the beauty of the sound and the images as we wish Shabbat Shalom to all.

A prayer for Memorial Day

Our God and God of our ancestors,
as we [prepare to] observe another Memorial Day in America,
bless us with the gifts of memory and understanding,
that we may appreciate the true meaning of this [that] day,
an annual occasion to honor the brave men and women
who gave their lives for our country
and for their fellow citizens.

God of compassion,
let those who made the ultimate sacrifice,
so that we may live in freedom,
rest in peace,
honored by a grateful nation.
Remember their parents,
and all the loved ones they left behind.
Protect and comfort them;
bring them peace.


God of justice,
remind us of the debt we owe
to those who lost their lives in the defense of our nation,
and to the families that go on without them.
Fill the heart of every American
with pride in those who served,
and caring concern for their survivors.


May it be Your will
that every American be re-dedicated
to the task of building a nation
worthy of the sacrifices made by our honored dead.
And may it be Your will, also,
that all of us pursue a just peace throughout the world,
so that no more lives are lost in armed conflict
anywhere in Your creation.

by David Abernethy

David Abernethy practices law in the Philadelphia area and is a member of the Beth Am Israel community in Penn Valley, Pennsylvania.

And let us say Amen.

Shabbat Shalom-A Shabbat of Ambivalence

A Shabbat of Ambivalence

As we enter Shabbat, some hostages have been returned.  Their ordeal is far from over, but they are home.  Now we hope these souls begin the process of healing.

Traditionally we offer the Birkhat HaGomel, but their struggle is far from over.  The emotional toll will continue long after physical pain has subsided.  They have been brought through a perilous journey, but the journey to wholeness and peace has just begun.

The sentiment of the Birkat Gomel is a prayer of gratitude, but it is also wishful thinking.  May those who have struggled find refuah shleimah.

We also turn our thoughts to those who remain captive, pawns to be played in a horrible chess game in which victims are often sacrificed by others.  May they be safe and treated with basic humanity.  We pray for their safe return as well.

Shabbat Shalom