Shabbat Shalom

Playing for Change brings musicians from around the world together to perform songs of unity, peace, and love. Amazing Grace is not usually on the Kabbalat Shabbat Playlist for most of us, but if you watch and listen, the singers in Jerusalem and the lyrics convey hope and faith, which is what we need as we enter Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom

A Prayer

The Prayer, is a duet shared by Cantors Azi Schwartz and Mira Davis.  I hope it helps you to enter Shabbat comforted by divinely inspired music and lyrics.

Shabbat Shalom

Let us pray for the hostages scheduled to be returned tomorrow and that those remaining in captivity will come home soon.


Shabbat Shalom

“Tamid Ohev Oti”- Always Loves Me is a very popular song, covered by groups here like  Six13 to major performers in Israel.  Yair Elitzur’s original version is here.

Its an uplifting song of hope, love, and faith. I’ve share the translation below, but enjoy the music as we welcome Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom

God always loves me
I’ll only be given blessings
And things will be better
Better and better. (5x)
And it will only get better.

A Prayer for Shabbat

May those in harm’s way be protected from the storms.  Whether it is the fire of nature or war, may you find a haven, and may the horrors afflicting you end quickly and peace come to you. 

May we have the courage to reach out with love and support to those in need and offer solace to those in despair. May these acts of loving kindness spur us to understand the power of humanity and the need for us to care for each other. 
