Guess Who’s coming to Dinner this Sukkot?



Sukkah decorating
Decorating our Sukkah with friends at home

Ushpizin and the Pope 

The Jewish mystic tradition, through the Zohar, speaks of the Ushpizin, the greats of Jewish history as welcome guests to our Sukkah.

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and David, along with Sarah, Rachel, Rebecca, Leah, Miriam, Abigail and Esther are our honored visitors. They bring with them the ideals and values central to Judaism and are sacred honored guests at our table, if only metaphorically.

 Here in Philadelphia we had the opportunity to add another name to the honored guests.  This one is Pope Francis. His Holiness speaks of values that we hold sacred. He speaks truth to power, even when that truth is uncomfortable. He illumines a path of joy and happiness, purpose and service, a meaningful life that extends beyond ourselves, in service to others. He is the Pope of the Catholics, but he is also a Pope for the World. Pope Francis has stretched out his arms to embrace Jews as brothers and sisters. He does this through his long-standing friendship and collaboration with Rabbi Skorka of Argentina. He also reaches out to the Jewish people through his support of Israel and his blessing of “Sinagoga and Ecclesia, In our Time,” a magnificent statue dedicated to the profound understanding of brotherhood between our two religious traditions commemorated on the fiftieth anniversary of Nostra Aetate.

 We are blessed to have Pope Francis in our midst. May his vision and teachings empower all of us to work to build a better world together.

The Sukkah and the Pope-e-que

Our Sukkah is underway.  This Sunday, erev Sukkot, we will celebrate.  In honor of the Pope’s arrival to Philadelphia we will have a combined Sukkah Decorating and barbecue, that we have affectionately dubbed the Pope-e-que.  IMG_0737

The Pope’s presence is bringing havoc to the area with the faithful throngs coming to see and hear him while the roads are shut down for security purposes.  Rather than be cynical, I am thrilled by his message of hope, love, joy and action to make a better world.  He is a disruptor in the best of ways.

Although your schedule is full Your Holiness, you are most welcome to Lashev baSukkah, grace us with your presence and enjoy some of the best kosher beef ribs around!

Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!

A Shameless Plug for Gratitude this Labor Day

 A fond childhood memory is the Jerry Lewis Telethon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. I could not wait for the telethon to start. I loved watching the show, the many acts, even the cut-aways to Julius LaRosa. Some are expecting me to say the pinnacle was watching Jerry Lewis as MC topped off with his emotional rendition of You’ll Never Walk Alone. But the real high point for me was the running captions along the bottom of the TV screen. Seeing people’s name with their respective contributions made my heart race. I could not wait to add my name to that wonderful list. I challenged myself to how much I could really give, and somehow I committed to $10, and then sat in front of the screen mesmerized waiting for my name to appear.

 I was caught up in being a part of something so wonderful as curing Muscular Dystrophy. And I believed my money made a difference. I still do. There is so much good to be done and we can be a part of it.

 We are blessed in so many ways that we often take it all for granted. So I am asking that this Labor Day we take the opportunity to remember to count our blessings and share some of what we have with those less fortunate. Giving to something you believe in can make Labor Day even better than the wonderful extended weekend that it is. Take a moment to think of the thing that you want to make better, regardless of what it may be. The only requirement is that you care. Be grateful for all that you have and then give something to another. Write a check or go online and make a donation to something you believe in. When you get that confirmation in your inbox, it will make you feel really good this Labor Day. Take it from the little boy inside.