May you be protected

To all of my friends and family in Israel, I wish you safety.

We all understand the certainty of this uncertain situation. Iran’s response to the Haniyeh assassination could be on Tisha B’Av, or it could be tomorrow, but regardless of the date, it will be.

May you be protected by the IDF and all the defensive systems. May the United States stand shoulder to shoulder, and may many others seeking to limit the destruction also step into the breach.

This is a difficult time, and I wish I could do more than pray, but that is what I have to offer for now.

Chazak v’umatz

May the Divine spread Your canopy of Peace over us, over all the people Israel, and over Jerusalem

Baruch atah Adonai, ha-poreis sukkat shalom aleinu v’al kol amo Yisrael, v’al Yerushalayim