Good Job Dave

Dave Chappelle has us all talking.  That is precisely what he intended to do.

Chappelle performed a set for his SNL opening monologue.  It was incisive and insightful, sometimes hilarious, sometimes very uncomfortable.  He spoke things many people would prefer to remain unspoken, which is his job.  As a comedian, he observes the human condition and shares his observations.  Couched in comedy, he is acerbic, sardonic, and harsh, pushing against the boundaries if not busting through them.

Chappelle is a professional, a master of his craft.  He knew his audience, and he knew which buttons he was pushing.

Chappelle made us think, and he made us talk about what he said.  That is important.  You may have been offended, and that is okay.  There were times when I laughed with amusement, and a couple of times, he made me cringe.  But the value of his words was that I had to engage them and think about what was being said.

Thank you, Dave Chappelle, for using the power of your platform to make us think.  Yasher Koach!