Donation and Support

Jewish Relationships Initiative relies on people who share our vision of connection.  JRI is a 501(c)3 corporation and donations are tax exempt under the rules and regulations subject of the IRS.

Tzedakah box

 JRI uses PayPal for all monetary transactions on the Web. PayPay is an established trusted internet resource. Click on the “Donate” button and follow the instructions to make your secure contribution either with a credit card or with your PayPal account.

Thank you for supporting our important work.



To learn more about the security and safety of using PayPal, click on the logo below:

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2 thoughts on “Donation and Support”

  1. Hello Rabbi Levin — please accept the donation to JRI in memory of my brother-in-law Wayne Fried.

    1. Dear Stella,
      Thank you for your generous contribution in memory of Wayne. I was grateful to be with your family in this difficult time.
      Rabbi David

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